How to Run a Successful Google Ads Campaign in 2020

How to Run a Successful Google Ads Campaign in 2020

To drive traffic to your website, running a Google ads campaign should be a no brainer. Google is an excellent platform for businesses to advertise their products and services, and it being the most popular search engine with billions of search queriesevery day, it makes sense to use the platform to reach the target audience.

Google ads are simply a paid advertising platform that falls under pay-per-click, a marketing channel whereby an advertiser pays Google every time a user clicks on an ad. With an effective and optimized ads campaign, your ROI canbe skyrocketing in no time.

However, Google ads are not always successful due to poor strategies such as using irrelevant ads, poor landing pages, low-quality scores among other factors. Running an effective ads campaign hence requires some thoughtful tactics and proper homework and a professional digital marketing agency.

How to Run an Effective Google Ads Campaign in 2020

To build an online reputation and make your ad campaign successful in 2020, you will need to employ some useful tactics.

To get you started, here are some pointers to consider.

1.      Understand your target audience

Before embarking on this campaign, you should have a clear picture of who your target audience is. Find out which kind of site your target audience spends most of their time on. Do some research on those websites as well and find out what makes their ad campaign successful.

With that in mind, ensure that your ads have the right context and tone to raise their interest. Also, use the right strategies to convince your target audience to perform your anticipated call to action and ensure that you lead them into taking the desired action.

2.      Build a targeted landing page

Your Google ads campaign won’t be a success without a target landing page. Newbies in Ads often direct traffic from their paid ads straight to their home pages which is a huge mistake. They then end up getting no results and assume ads are a waste of time and money.

Your homepage has numerous options and elements which wastea user’s time when they click hoping to find the specific thing they expected to find.

You need to create a targeted landing page that addresses the query that a user typed in the search engine. Simply put, the landing pages should have a specific purpose needed by the user.

3.      Have top-notch Keyword targeting

Keywords are a crucial element in Google ads campaign.

For the best results regarding keyword targeting, your strategy must include the following:

  • Exact match- do your research on which keywords your target audience is likely to type in the search engine. Google displays ads when users use the exact keyword which also puts you in a position to be in more control over who sees your ads. In return, you will have fewer bounce rates.
  • Broad match- Google displays ads that use similar or a related keyword or keyword phrase as that used by the user. However, they sometimes drive irrelevant traffic to your site. So, always bid lowest on these.
  • Phrase match- your ad is displayed when a user types in the particular phrase your ad is optimized for. You should ideally bid higher on these.

4.      Optimize on your ads campaign

You need to optimize your Google ads campaign along the way for the best results.

One way is through keyword bids. You should optimize on your keyword bids immediately you start getting clicks. Consider raising the bid for the keywords, lower it or consider using other keywords accordingly.

Another way is to keep testing various campaigns concurrently to find out which one is most effective.

5.      Confirm your ROI is positive

Your ads campaign should generate some positive ROI. Hence, confirm that the projected ROI is achieved by comparing the cost of the campaign to the expected longtime value of the customer.


Google ads work, and it is one of the most effective ways to boost your business and reap great benefits.  However, keep in mind that Google ads campaign is never a one-time thing. You will need to keep testing and retesting to keep a positive ROI. Make the necessary adjustments on various elements to see what works for you.