What are the Facilities of Instagram Influencer Marketing Platforms?

What are the Facilities of Instagram Influencer Marketing Platforms?

Influencer marketing is one of the most fashionable actions in companies. Brands want to work with Influencers to make them improve their branding and boost their sales. Yes, it is, as long as you have very clear objectives you are looking for and you design an appropriate campaign for them. However, there are many small and medium sized enterprises, websites or online stores, which cannot afford to be hired, due to the high cost it usually represents. Here are some of the main advantages of taking the services of Instagram Influencer Marketing Platform.

1. It is a natural and little invasive action for your target

As I said in the first lines of this post, we don’t always talk about campaigns. One of the strategies that work best is that your influencer introduces you to his usual speech and that he does it naturally. That is, you do not pay for campaigns (as it could happen with celebrities), but to recommend you if you make a presentation, to include you in your blog with links to your page and other similar actions. This model does not seem to advertise. That is why it is well received.

This way of doing sounds good, don’t you think?

2. Improve the Top of Mind

Of course, notice that in the previous point we have described something that happens in a very subtle way. With some time and perseverance, in the end consumers will think of you as their first purchase option and you will be able to place yourself as the first brand that comes to mind when they think of a product that you sell. Even your brand can become the generic name of a product.

3. You get more credibility

As we have said, if you work in this subtle way, your influencer’s message is unlikely to be perceived as publicity. Therefore, you are perceived more credibly. According to a study, the trust ratio of saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for something is 7:1 which means if 7 persons are recommending a product or service and 1 is not then that one person would be negligible. We will pay attention for what those 7 persons think about that product or service. Instagram Influencer Marketing helps people to achieve this ratio.

4. You get higher digital reputation, in positive

Notice that I am always talking about opting for a subtle and natural model. Why? Because, your Digital Reputation will get improved in order to achieving the above benefits. It is not the same that a brand reaches consumers through advertisements and advertising to appear via a reference they admire. I think that happens to you and me, too. 

5. Improve your search engine optimization

Every time your influencer mentions you, raise your reputation. We just saw that. But, at SEO level, what causes is that you have more Google searches and better positioning of your website. Because of the millions of users on Instagram, you will get a huge audience through Instagram influencer marketing and also people would search on Google for more about your services and products.

Source: Qubeh